
Online Examination System – Progressive Test Method to Make the Process Faster & Secure

With changing time, growing information technology and increasing usage of the internet; the examination process has shifted from traditional to progressive and modern. Now, you’d want to know what traditional and progressive learning is. Let’s discuss a little bit about them.

Traditional learning It is a basic teacher-centered learning environment, wherein the class is headed by different teachers who teach different courses/subjects to the students. As a matter of fact, this is the only type of education system and learning that is mostly practiced and everybody is familiar with. On the other hand,

Progressive learning is the total opposite of traditional learning. Progressive learning concentrates more on the practicality of concepts and conceptual sense of the subjects. It is more of experiential learning than just rote learning the theories. In simpler words, progressive learning focuses on learning by doing and experiencing on one’s own self.

Online Examination System

And when it comes to the examinations, there also you can see that the student’s don’t get proper resources for the preparation of exams. The education system focuses more on the proper execution of the examination process rather making it easier on the teachers along with the students. The traditional examinations just focus more on getting the test paper generated and getting the exams conducted; lesser on the fact that the quality of the process also needs to be maintained. Now when we have mentioned traditional exams, you should have a brief idea about what exactly happens in the age-old way of conducted exams.

What are the traditional examinations?

Earlier, there used to be only one traditional way to conduct examinations. That is, deciding specific dates and organizing examination halls for the students to take exams. The process leading to the examination day is very old school. Even though the exam notice and schedule is given a month in advance and students get enough time for preparation. There are still a few aspects of the traditional examination that are not beneficial for the students. Here’s how the process works:

  1. Students have to stand in long queues just to collect the admit cards/examination tickets, which in itself is a time taking and tiring process for the students.
  2. The students get to experience the exam environment directly on the day of the exams; there are no pre-exam test series for them to practice their knowledge with.
  3. At a time thousands of papers are to be checked, that too manually and it is obvious that there will be either basic human error while checking or sometimes by being biased towards a particular student(s) and therefore, the results are unreliable and inaccurate.

If we see this from the perspective of students, that further makes it difficult for the students and that they suffer because of the delays, errors and inaccurate results.

Whereas if we talk about the progressive test methods, it is rather an easier, quicker and beneficial approach that can be used for the evaluation of the student’s preparation level for the exam.

What are Progressive Test Methods?

It can be an online mock test series or just samples of mock test papers based on the real exam, the exam pattern and the marking scheme. The exam shall be conducted by the school and universities via either an online exam portal or offline, to assess the student’s level of preparation. It emphasizes more on increasing the critical thinking and present mindedness of the students. Practical learning and understanding of concepts are crucial for the students in this education system as it prepares the child for the best of situations, they learn and get a hold of the concepts that may be useful in the daily life.

In today’s time of growing information technology, every person, every child has become familiar with the computer and internet. Therefore, the Online Examination system is becoming more trendy and popular. It is also the need of the hour.

What is Online Test Platform and how is it helpful in the Progressive Test Method?

With the changing time and need of the hour, the educational establishments like schools, colleges, and institutes have started to conduct the examination of different subject as well as competitive examination online or on the web. Although, it is a tiresome and a long process but it is a requirement for the benefit of the students; in terms of innovative and sophisticated online test platform has a user-friendly interface to help automate the examination process. With this online examination platform and its unique features, the schools and universities can organize and conduct the examination with ease, minimum errors, and delays. Below we will be discussing its features combined with the advantage they provide to the educational establishments as well as the students.

  1. You can conduct hassle-free exams and conduct free web/internet-based online tests and examinations, using the Online Test Manager (OTM).
  2. You will be able to create any kind of exam pattern with any type of questions: Essay type of questions, objective questions, MCQs, and many more can be easily fused together in one single paper from your institution itself.
  3. All type of question formats can be inculcated in the test paper so that the student experiences the real deal as close to the exam as possible.
  4. Graphical as well as tabulated representation as well as analysis subject wise, chapter wise, topic wise and many more indexes in the most ingenious ways.
  5. As soon as the exam is completed, a report is generated immediately to give them a complete idea about the student’s performance and progress; divided into several parameters such as accuracy meter, speed meter, etc.
  6. The student’s performance can be accessed on the student’s as well as the parent’s panel, separately.
  7. The tests and examination can be conducted at any time of the year, not just specifically during the exam season.

Conclusion: Encompassing the modern-day technology and with accurate analysis, practice with real-like exam paper and experience the pressure. The online exam platform’s progressive test method is a great contributor to provide the student with the current status of his/her preparation. It also ensures that the reports are generated on different parameters, so that the students can get a clear and better idea of the performance and provide suggestions to understand the concepts better. Make sure your students take these online tests!


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