

How to Make Diverse Teams Function Well

There's plenty of research to argue that diversity in the workplace is beneficial to businesses: heightening innovation, increasing revenue and dramatically improving the ability of businesses to capture new markets. But diversity can also bring well-documented problems: notably an increase in workplace tension. Differences in age; gender; culture; language and […]


Top Signs You Have a Strong Brain as an Executive

Executives spend huge amount of money and time each year on their physical strength and health without realising that mental strength matters much more than these two things. A lot has been written about how mental strength and some of it critical characteristics such optimism, determination and unfailing ability to […]


How to Reduce Employee Turnover

Keeping employees is almost a full time job. It costs more to hire a new employee than to keep an old one. Studies show, it can cost up to 9 months of a salaried employee's salary to replace him. Between ads for job openings, recruitment fees, and training costs, the […]


Individual Decision Making

We are all faced with many choices every day. Some are easy and others are tough. Dealing successfully with the tough issues is a skill that will reduce stress and save time. Here is a step-by-step process that will help. LOOK AT ALL YOUR OPTIONS If the problem is […]