
How is Leadership Different from Management?

The essence of leadership and management is often mistaken to have a single purpose. To be true, leadership and management are quite different from each other. Leaders are individuals whom people follow for guidance, while managers have people working under them, performing daily tasks. Leadership is about making people believe in a single vision, on the flip side, management involves administering to ensure that day-to-day activities are going on. Read this blog to get a deeper insight into the aspects of leadership and management, along with the differences that lie between them.

What is leadership?

Leadership can be defined as the art of motivating a group of individuals to act towards achieving a common goal. In the corporate sector, an employee holding a leadership position is the one who directs subordinates and colleagues based on a strategy to meet the company’s needs. They are expected to passionate about a mission and develop innovative business strategies to beat the completion.

Being a leader can be dynamic, exciting and inspiring all at the same time. Effective leadership in a business setting depends upon ideas that can be communicated to others in a way that will engage them enough to act according to the leader’s choice. Here, the leader is perceived as the source of inspiration and director of the action. The typical attributes of a leader include the following:

  • Help others tread the correct path;
  • Set direction;
  • Build an inspiring vision;
  • Create something new.

What is management?

Management refers to a set of principles that involves all operations of planning, organizing, directing and controlling. It also includes the application of these principles inefficient harnessing of physical, financial, human and informational to achieve organisational goals.

Effective management is the backbone of every successful business. Managing an organisation paves the way to get things done with and through other individuals to achieve an objective. It helps in creating an environment in which employees can perform and co-operate with one another towards the attainment of business goals.

Difference between leadership and management

The terms leadership and management are generally used interchangeably, where a company’s management structure is often known as the leadership zone and the mangers as leaders. Leadership is an integral part of management and plays a vital role in the practice of managerial operations. Management, on the other hand, is considered the basic ingredient of all running businesses. A managerial role is a sort of human effort that is undertaken to carry out technical or social processes in a systemic manner.

If you want to become a leader or instill effective management skills, then studying a leadership course can help you achieve that!

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