
The Difference Between Dump Truck Accident Attorney and Regular Automobile Wreck Lawyer

Dump Truck Accident Attorney

Before we come to the discussion of how dump truck accident lawyers differ from other automobile accident lawyers, we have to know how dump truck accidents differ from regular car accidents.

Dump trucks share the same road used by the passenger vehicles. These trucks are basically utilized to transport loose materials from the construction sites. Many times, they haul away wastes and garbage. Dump trucks are also responsible for disposing hazardous materials to the safe sites.

Dump trucks are very big in size and heavy in weight. That’s why they are potential risks for the fellow vehicles on road. Hence, the accidents involving dump trucks are always bigger and deadlier.

Crashes with dump trucks cause catastrophic injuries. In the matter of responsibility, the driver of the truck may not be the sole culprit. The trucking company and faulty components can be the reasons for the accidents too.

Again, a dump truck often has multiple service technicians, leasing agencies and many drivers. Hence, it generates a confusing claiming process. Most of the times, each refusing to accept their responsibility. If the truck belongs to the state-run organization, then the government immunity rules can be applied too which complicates the whole process to the extreme.

The victims of the dump truck mishaps end in shedding mountainous medical costs, lifetime disfigurement, loss of earning capacity, death and much more. The sufferers who survive can claim compensation by filing a case.

It is extremely important to hire an attorney with trucking accident experience. He/she can identify the cause, navigate the issue and prevent the guilty parties from avoiding accountability by any illegal mean.

Now, let us find out the common cause of the dump truck wreck:

  • Negligence of the driver and the truck owner
  • Lack of truck maintenance
  • Not hiring properly trained and licensed drivers
  • Failure to provide enough training for the driver and the assistant
  • Not checking the truck’s performance
  • Extension of driving hours without a break
  • Avoid checking the operator’s background

Additionally, the trucking companies have their investigators and lawyers always ready to take the move. They work very fast to limit the losses. They also contact the suffering party with a settlement proposal.

It is best to discuss with a dump truck accident lawyer before deciding anything.

Let us see how these attorneys can help the victims:

The insurance companies take the advantage of the victim’s ongoing problems. Hence, they are quick for the settlement. They understand that you can’t calculate the real damages. Hence, you become susceptible to cheating and low settlement.

A dump truck accident attorney takes all the factors into prime consideration. He/she will take the victim’s pain and suffering into account along with the right calculation of the deserved compensation.

The three kinds of personnel with whom you must have a talk after being victimized by a dump truck accident:

  • Police
  • Medical experts
  • Dump truck accident lawyer

If you are able to move after meeting the accident, click pictures of:

  • The culprit dump truck and the other motor vehicles involved in the crash (including your car)
  • The accident scene that shows the lay of the land
  • The spot where the vehicles halted after the crash
  • The skidmarks
  • Truck company’s name
  • Injuries

Get the contact information of the witnesses. If possible, find out their pictures or video of the accident. Also, take down the responding police’s name and badge number.

Obtain the police report.

The dump truck driver immediately informs the truck owner or his/her employer about the accident and the insurance company will be notified instantly. The investigators of the insurance company who will pretend to aid you will also ask for information from you that can assist them to completely deny or lower their claim.

Call the dump truck wreck lawyer before:

  • The evidence is removed from the accident spot
  • Witnesses forgot the happening
  • Somebody play dirty to make you lose the case

Your appointed legal practitioner must do all the talking on your behalf.

Furthermore, the insurance agency may send an adjuster to your place to make a quick settlement in exchange for which you have to sign a release of liability. Be careful as the money offered is usually much lower than what you actually deserve to get. Once you sign the release, you will lose your right to receive any additional reimbursement from them.

You have to notice any prolonged injuries that are not recognized at an early stage.

Finally, schedule your free case reviewing with the experienced dump truck accident attorney who will listen to you, stay with you till you win the case, advise you in a positive way and ultimately let you win the lawsuit.

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One Comment

  1. Levi Armstrong

    It’s interesting to know that if you get into an accident with a truck, you should hire an accident attorney that specializes in truck accidents rather than a regular car injury lawyer. This is because accidents involving trucks are much more complicated because it involves multiple service technicians, leasing agencies, multiple drivers, insurance companies, and truck company investigators. My cousin got into a truck collision accident which left him paralyzed waist down. The family is planning to file a case, so I believe it would be best if they look for a reputable truck accident lawyer. I will pass on this information to them. Thanks!

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