Author: Ryan Kh


The Benefits of Multi-Tasking

They say that women are the champions of multi tasking, but it's really a skill that simply needs to be perfected over time - so guys can get on board too! However, until you have perfected making a cup of coffee, whilst ironing, keeping an eye on your Mecca Bingo […]


Spooky Gift Ideas for Halloween

If you're looking for unique gifts for your friends and family this Halloween, below are 10 fabulous ideas: A gift basket or hamper If you're attending a friend's Halloween party, turning up with a gift basket or hamper is a great way to show you have gone the extra mile. […]

Other stories

Could You Survive a Technology Blackout

In this technological age, it's almost impossible to imagine how life can be without the use of modern devices. From smartphones to the Internet, most people today find it hard to spend even just a few hours without using any form of new technology. Despite the importance of technology in […]


Overwhelmed by Stuff? Smart Decluttering Tips

Besides the most diligently organized and neat among us, most people have amassed quite a bit of ‘stuff' over the years that makes our homes look unattractive, and likely causes us a good degree of angst. There is always that intention to declutter, but it gets buried under the sense […]


Reasons to Wear Compression Garments

Most people think of compression garments as something you wear to treat a medical condition like venous insufficiency or varicose veins. Or, they are something that overweight people, or pregnant women, wear to prevent the excess weight from damaging their veins. In short, they believe that the only people who […]


Get a Trade and Get Ahead

Any student looking to write a thesis on ‘jobs which don't exist any more' will not be short of material. Cloth cleaner, rat catcher, switchboard operator and town crier disappeared decades or centuries ago, while other, present day occupations such as newspaper photographer and milkman are rarely-spotted beasts indeed. It […]

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How to Become a Greener Cleaner

According to Moneywise, as a nation we spend an average of £163 on cleaning products each year. Cleaning products are everywhere in our homes; from the plates and dishes to countertops, furniture, clothes, floors and windows. There are plenty of natural products and ways that you can keep your home […]

Data security

How to Mitigate a Real-Time DDoS Attack

The DDoS menace is destroying everything in its path. Servers, networks, large buildings—steel and bullets are no match for this beast. The rural folk are fleeing to the hills. The military has been called. We MUST stop it before it reaches Tokyo… But in all seriousness, the damage from a DDoS […]