Search Results for "transplant process"


How FUE Hair Transplant is done?

Hair Transplant comes with a hope to number of hair loss bearers that they can get back their natural look.Baldness is a result of excessive hair shedding that might occurred due to any medical illness or accident as well.With latest advancements in medical science and technologies, it is today possible […]

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Hair Transplant Procedure In London

Hair loss is a common problem for most people who seek for various ways to get their old look back. First, there is the normal hair loss whereby an individual loses hundreds of hair strands a day while there is the extreme loss of hair that requires the help of […]


Cancer Treatment and Hair Loss: The Connection

A general assumption surrounding cancer is that it causes hair loss. However, the reality is that cancer is not solely responsible for the loss of hair on the head. There are several reasons, which we will discuss below. Background There is a greater chance of it being related to alopecia. […]

Green tech

How Technology is Reshaping the World of Healthcare

The latest technologies are already making real changes in the world of healthcare and emerging tech-trends promise to create nothing short of an industry-wide revolution. From automated surgeries to 3D printed prosthetic, the latest advances in medicine are already allowing for a wider range of procedures, options and a higher […]