Search Results for "storage tank"


Applications and Industries Benefiting from Exothermic Welding Technology

In electrical connections, safety, reliability, and efficiency are paramount. Exothermic welding technology, known as thermite welding, has emerged as a versatile and reliable solution for creating permanent, high-quality electrical connections. This technology offers numerous benefits across various industries, making it a preferred choice for joining conductors in critical applications. In this article, […]

Society & Culture

A Look Inside the Vaping Craze

Vaping is becoming very popular today. Many of us are still trying to catch up and find out what the craze is all about. What do you really know about vaping? Here’s some information to help you understand more about this trending activity. What is vaping? Vaping is the action […]


ASME Process Pressure Vessels – an Overview

Pressure vessels are designed to hold liquids and gasses at a different pressure than the normal ambient pressure. They have a vast use in the industry and even in the private sector. Since they are operating under a great pressure, if not handled properly, pressure vessels might be the cause […]


Reasons to Use Only Quality Asphalt Pipes

There is a massive difference between the pipes you use for domestic purposes and the ones used in industries. The former helps to transport water from the tap to the sprinkler in the garden. Since the pressure of the water traveling through it is not very strong, standard grade PVC […]