Search Results for "Free Spirit"


Freelancing Your Way to a Better Future

There was a time when freelancing was a polite euphemism for unemployed. But that was during a time when everyone who was worth anything was expected to be working for a company, punching a clock, and drawing a predictable paycheck. It was a time when the question, "Who do your […]


Free Party IPhone Apps

How crazy is it that we can do so many things with our iPhones, but not even scratch the surface of the app store? There are almost 800 Thousand apps on the app store right now! Wanna know how many apps were on the app store in 2008? 800! So […]

Stylish Man in Corporate Wear

Office Clothing Choices in 2013

Whether you're a man or a woman, if there is one word that sums up 2013's corporate wear trends, it's simplicity; simplicity of design, simplicity of fabric, simplicity of accessories. Boldness in colour has replaced boldness of pattern as the look to make you stand out in the office, with […]

Fashion Other stories

Religion And Fashion-Uneasy Alliance

Religion and fashion seem diametrically opposed to one another. Religion is by nature based on conformity, conservatism, modesty, and dignity. Fashion, on the other hand stresses individuality, free expression, novelty, and pushing the standards of what is acceptable. The Conservatism of the Pious I have lived in what most people […]

Other stories

The Role of Psychics in Providing Guidance

Since ancient times, psychics have played an important role in providing guidance to people seeking clarity and direction in their lives. A psychic is someone with extrasensory abilities to perceive and channel information that is not available through the normal senses. Many people consult psychics when they feel stuck or […]

Travel and living

Emerging Wellness Trends in 2023 and 2024

Personalized and Precision Health Personalized and precision health will be a major trend in 2023-2024. Genetic testing, wearable devices, and health apps are providing more insights into an individual’s unique biology and lifestyle. This data will allow for customized diet, exercise, and supplement plans tailored to someone’s specific needs and […]