Search Results for "Flashback"


Why Should You Let Your Kids Play Video Games?

Most parents emphasize on the outdoor activities of their children and strictly discourage them playing video games. They believe gaming can influence their eyesight and greatly reduce their academic performance. This concept is just a myth, and what brings this myth to reality is excessiveness. Just like the excess of […]


4 Things Harvard Researchers Have to Say About Yoga

Yoga is an ancient exercise practice that dates back to the fifth century. The word “yoga” means “to unite” or “to attach.” It was used by Indians over thousands of years to improve health and increase longevity. However, it also encompasses a mental and spiritual aspect that makes it an […]


Americans Suffer after Hurricanes [Infographic]

Along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, many Americans have been hurt by hurricanes over the last couple of decades. Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy cost hundreds of billions of dollars due to destruction of homes, businesses, and property, and the trend will continue, because these storms are facts of Mother […]