Month: November 2013


Why London Remains the UK's Leading Business Hub?

No matter where a country is located in the world, it will always have a pivotal business center that drives economic growth and development. America has the financial capital of New York, for example, while Qatar remains key to the development of the UAE's developing economy. While numerous cities in […]


What Factors Affect Your Workers’ Productivity?

There are many factors that are said to affect your workers productivity, many of which have had studies conducted supporting the ideas including; temperature, other co-workers, job role, office hours, office facilities, the amount of space and whether they have their own working area or are working in an open […]


Different Advantages of Oak Flooring

Are you renovating your house? Or, are you building one? If you are building a house, you must have thought of everything. However the flooring is also of important. Most house owners do not think of the flooring when they plan to renovate the house. Whether you are installing the […]


Choosing Work Outings Your Whole Company Will Enjoy

Finding and keeping quality workers is one of the greatest challenges faced by businesses today. It affects every company from mom-and-pop enterprises with just a few employees to giant corporations. Reducing turnover and stimulating high morale, productivity and teamwork has a powerful impact on long-term costs and profits. Company outings, […]


Stammer Your Way To Success

A stammer is a speech disorder, four times more common in boys than in girls, which involuntarily impacts the flow of speech. Like fingerprints, no two individuals who stammer are the same. It is typically first identified in children between the ages of three and five, with over 90 per […]

Other stories

The Future of Energy is in Germany

An Australian company has declared that the future of eco-energy lies in Germany by moving its operations into Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ceramic Fuel Cells, a renewable energy company originally based in Melbourne, has relocated its offices in order to take advantage of the country’s forward thinking energy policies - policies that the […]


Advertise Your Business Through Packaging

Remember the 4 Ps of business– product, price, place and promotion? Yes, they're an important part of the marketing mix that we studied in textbooks, but some entrepreneurs have turned their companies into million-dollar businesses by focusing on the 5th P - packaging. A prime example in the form of […]

Small business

Building a Business on a Shoestring Budget

The world economy is constantly changing, thanks primarily to the fluctuating fortunes being experienced by both developed and emerging economies alike. While 2012 saw the continued emergence of developing economies such as China, India and Brazil, for example, this year has seen more established nations such as the UK and […]


What is the Latest Trend in Furniture

Buying any furniture is not an easy task these days. With the presence of variety of designs and ample amount of color range matching your interiors, it is even harder to select the right furniture and which is friendly to your pocket as well. Today I am going to list […]