Marketing, Social media

Utilizing Successful Direct Marketing Through Facebook

If a company is attempting to present potential consumers with their products and services without possible distractions or the hassle of dealing with retailers then direct marketing would be the most efficient route to explore. Direct marketing is simply the business of selling items straight to the public, say for example, through mail order or by telephone. It calls for specific "action", such as requesting customers call a particular number, click on certain pages, links, or even mail in an order. Direct marketing allows businesses and corporations to communicate directly to the consumers through a variety of methods and generally relies upon customer communication, a database of names such as what would be found through, and other relevant information.


Achieving Direct Marketing Through Facebook

Often marketers consider Facebook more of a branding activity; however, it can also serve as an effective direct marketing tool. According to the new Kenshoo research study "Facebook audience generated a 30 percent higher paid search return on Ad Spend, and a 24 percent higher paid search average order value." The study revealed that consumers who were exposed to social advertising became higher-value customers for this retailer.Facebook is often seen by marketers as something that doesn't necessarily drive conversions directly, but this doesn't have to be the case. There is a steadily growing budget for social networking among companies due to the potential marketing options. In fact, many marketers today, while concerned with social marketing should turn their efforts to new opportunities that allow for the combination of brand and direct marketing. The concept of brand marketing and direct marketing present various routes and options for marketers. As social media becomes more significant in relation to corporations, it creates an opportune scenario for combining brand marketing and direct marketing. Doing such is beneficial, as social media marketers who combine direct and brand marketing approaches are able to provide relevant data and contribute specific revenue objectives. As reported by Inside Facebook, "advertisers will able to target users by user ID, email address or phone number, akin to how magazine publishers offer subscribers' mailing addresses to direct marketing companies." This is an indispensable aspect when it comes to measuring the impact of business.


How To Go About Combining the Two

Marketers who are attempting to combine social media sites, such as Facebook, and aspects of direct marketing should consider utilizing it as a "point of conversion" in relation to other marketing activities. This allows customers greater opportunities to respond to whatever they may see online, television, etc. This serves as a type of potential stimulus and motivates conversation over various services and products. This can be achieved by offering programs and such that offer Facebook options and actions; it creates a type of crossover. Making use of the Call to action option allows a brand to deliver its pitch over Facebook through a simple click. This can even be connected to the mobile app that allows consumers to make purchases, and a desktop, where logging or signing in is a ready option.

What To Expect From the Combination

Marketers who tend to use direct types of marketing along with brand marketing find that they have most favorable results. This joint approach creates a longer reach ultimately allows for greater efficiency. Having a joint marketing approach will allow greater insight into the analytics and data regarding conversation, sales, and consumer profile data.

Facebook stands to be an indispensable component for marketers who are attempting merge the two types of approaches. It creates a response option for consumers, and a simple process to connect across various platforms.

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