Search Results for "unhealthy foods"


5 Foods that Must be Avoided by a Diabetic Patient

With diabetes, food choice matters a lot. Watching what one eats becomes like death and duties-unavoidable in order to stay healthy. Being diabetic doesn't mean that special foods and complicated diets are necessary. With natural home remedies diabetes treatment and control is possible. It's making healthy food choices and keeping […]


Are Vitamin Fortified Foods Safe?

If you look around, you will notice that many food manufacturers are promoting new, healthier, vitamin fortified versions of their products. This is leading many people to wonder if these foods are a viable substitute for other healthy eating practices. Are vitamin fortified foods really safe? Read on to learn […]


Dieting: Dissecting the common mistakes

It’s a topic that will never grow old; for as long as the world spins around, dieting will be something that constantly grabs attention. Of course, all of this is for a good reason. Ask any of the major health insurance providers, and they would return with the same answer: […]


How to Boost Your Immune System and Keep It Strong

Your eating habits and your overall lifestyle have a significant effect on your immune system. Active immunity is required to shield your body internally and externally from germs and viruses. It protects you from various diseases. Majority of us are suffering from a weak immune system, and we never pay […]


Mediterranean Diet Benefits for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a state that occurs when a person’s bones become weak and brittle, placing them at risk of breaking easily. Once the condition develops, there is no cure to completely reverse its effects. Nevertheless, there are several ways of preventing further damage to the bones, one of which is […]