Search Results for "Thieves"

Data security

Email Security 101

The simplest definition of email security is that it is the practice of safeguarding communications and email accounts from compromise, loss, or unauthorized access. You might think that email security is relatively straightforward, but it is often more difficult than you might think. This is particularly true if you run […]

Home & family

7 Ways to Keep Your Home Secure

During the height of the pandemic last 2020, many of us thought that we would be cooped up in our homes for only a couple of weeks. In the course of a few months, crimes such as aggravated assaults and robberies in neighbourhoods lowered drastically. While it’s great that we […]


The Evolution of Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The United States is renowned for its Cyber Monday and Black Friday traditions. Each year, newsreel rolls include stories about the monstrous people who ravage Wal-Marts. Macy’s There are a lot of department stores across the country. Images and videos showing people fighting for Barbie Dolls are all over the […]


Are Mall Security Guards Necessary?

Shopping centers and malls often seem like relatively safe places to be. Thus, when you hear about mall security, you may be left wondering is it even necessary? Worse yet, you might think of mall security guards as being secondhand cops or overweight and ineffective at their jobs. Maybe you […]