Search Results for "unhealthy snacks"


Dieting: Dissecting the common mistakes

It’s a topic that will never grow old; for as long as the world spins around, dieting will be something that constantly grabs attention. Of course, all of this is for a good reason. Ask any of the major health insurance providers, and they would return with the same answer: […]


How to Stay Healthy When Studying Online

Returning to education through online study is a great benefit for your personal goals and your career. Nevertheless, it’s still important to adhere to healthy study habits, even if you’re not physically going to classes or a college building. How Can Your Health Be Affected When Studying? When you’re focused […]


7 Health and Fitness Tips Every Woman Should Follow

Women have challenging roles, biologically as well as socially. The physical and mental labor of women, while often unaccounted for in casually sexist setups of the economy- such as the GDP- fail to find their well-deserved place. Women multitask like maniacs working at home and their jobs, managing immaculately well […]


Health Tips for Office Workers

Working in an office all day long is bad for our health. Most office workers spend more than 75% of their working day sitting down. At least one scientific study has found that workers risk premature death for every hour they spend off their feet. A 2015 study carried out […]


5 Simple Ways to Reduce Weight without Dieting

Many people say that it is not possible to reduce weight without dieting. A plenty of diet plans are available that can help in shedding pounds easily, but it leaves you starving and hungry. But there is no fun in losing weight through dieting, because eventually you will regain it after your diet […]


Fruit Diet For Weight Loss

You've probably been told all your life to eat fruit, and there is a good reason for that. In addition to being a healthy food, a fruit diet for weight loss is a great way to lose weight and keep the pounds off. Fruit does not have cholesterol, and it […]


A Perfect Plan For A Healthy Life

Due to the pandemic going on due to COVID-19, we all have changed. Since we can’t go out, our bodies have changed, some have lost weight, some have gained weight. The awkward shapes that our bodies are in now are causing a lot of physical and mental tension. Dealing with […]