Search Results for "software program"


Alternatives to PBX or Hosted Phone Systems

In today's business world, everyone's looking for some way to get ahead. Whether that means cutting costs in seemingly unimportant areas, or finding new, cheaper, more exciting means to fix everyday problems, there's always someone looking for a way up the ladder, and this includes phone systems. Because of rising […]


The Best Free Web Analytics Tools

It's important to know what your customers are doing and what they think. Since you can't ask them directly, you must stick with a selection of web analytics tools. There are a number of free analytics tools you can use for this purpose. They all work in the same basic […]


Advantages and Features of 1C:Enterprise 8 Framework

1C:Enterprise 8 represents an universal cloud system of programs intended to automate business operations and tasks related to economic and management activities such as: accounting, CRM, MRP and more. Through its main feature-configurability-the 1C:Enterprise is capable to address a wide range of requirements of today's businesses and automate processes involving […]


How Businesses can Get Faster?

Today’s businesses know that faster is better: It means happier customers, faster production, more efficient workflow, and better damage mitigation. It is no surprise that a notable chunk of modern innovations and technologies work to speed up the average business. The following tech trick and services are hard at work […]


Do You Spy on Your Employees?

Do you spy on your employees? Software that allows employers to monitor employee computer and browser activity has been around for awhile, and company email tracking should be expected by all employees in the digital age. But a new breed of solutions has taken employee tracking to a new level […]

Electronics Technology

Nymi Wristbands, A Social Justice Solution

Nymi Wristbands are the newest in identification technology, with Bionym, a Toronto-based company, announcing the creation of a wristband that uses the wearer’s heartbeat as an identification device, zeroing in on the user. This verifies the identity of the wearer, matching what the company has called the heartwave, which is […]


Startup Owners: Be Sharp On Your Accounting

The first thing a paramedic does when responding to a person who is unconscious is check their pulse. That rhythm of blood pumping through the veins is a necessity for life. Just like life, your startup company also needs a steady and consistent pulse. That pulse is your accounting department and […]


What Factors Affect Your Workers’ Productivity?

There are many factors that are said to affect your workers productivity, many of which have had studies conducted supporting the ideas including; temperature, other co-workers, job role, office hours, office facilities, the amount of space and whether they have their own working area or are working in an open […]


Staying Tech-savvy on a Budget

An investment in technology is necessary for almost any business. Fortunately, the right investments will help save you money and run more efficiently. There is free software that can let you do almost anything you need to do, and refurbished equipment can let you use the latest hardware at a […]


How Businesses Can Manage the Warehouse Inventory

Warehouse management can be a trying task for any administrator, but there are always ways to circumvent the stress and headache or manage warehouse services. It does not matter which company you work for, they are all searching for new and better ways to improve performance and efficiency. Inventory One of […]