Search Results for "short article"

Travel and living

The Rhinos in The Kruger Park

As the third-largest land mammal, the rhino is an integral part of the Kruger Park safari experience. However, the unprecedented number of rhinos being poached owing to a demand for their horns in Asian countries such as Vietnam means that they’re facing extinction. This article examines the differences between South […]


Why Multi-tasking Isn’t More Efficient

With the rise of technology and a controlling digital social platform, finding focus and relaxation in a fast-paced society can be difficult to harness. With all of the applications and online tools available for multi-tasking, why would someone ever suggest that less is often more? The world is unknowingly (or […]


Common Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

Air quality is important to the longevity of an individual's health and well-being. Unsafe conditions or polluted areas of habitation affect sleeping patterns, energy levels, and long-term efficiencies. If you're looking to create an atmosphere for success and healthy development, make sure you're paying attention to the devices and products […]


Do Weight Loss Pills Work for Women?

Most of the women would put on a considerable amount of weight after childbirth. As soon as they see excess mass develop on their body or see their stomach area to bulge, women start to go on crash diets and liquid diets in order to get rid of the excess […]


A Crash Course to Tackling AP Exams

Taking AP exams is a great way for high-school students to make their lives easier down the road. Taking these tests cost much less than it would cost to take the whole course in college. This way you effectively save money and you also have one exam less to worry […]


Habits to Avoid in Academic Writing

These five easy hints on habits to avoid in academic writing will increase your odds of overall success Students, instructors, and researchers are the ultimate multi-taskers, writing research proposals, writing books and journal articles, and teaching courses. The problem is that so is everyone else. If an editor has the […]


Tutorial: E-book Publishing for Amazon Kindle

Self-publishing has become a popular trend that has provided a way for people to earn money online and become authors. Not only does self-publishing provide another way for people to earn extra income, but it also helps others share information, personal experiences, stories, imagination and more with people around the […]


Methods to Give Red Wine a Different Color

Most red wines that are not quite red are considered rose. But it’s not just the color that gets them the classification that we know. They are actually processed quite differently although they are made from the same grape varieties that produce red wine. Rose wine refers to the light […]