Search Results for "materials"


The Three Levels of Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is becoming more prevalent in the addiction community. This is because there is a strong connection between drug abuse and sex. There is also a debate on whether sexual addictions exist and this development has been there for some time. Most people have the notion that one cannot […]


Intellectual Property Rights to Safeguard Business Secrets

Intellectual property law safeguards the works of authors, composers, designers and inventors from being reproduced or pirated. There are four different sections of intellectual property: patents, trade secrets, copyright and trademark. Usually, each section is meant for different types of materials and offers different types of predictions. How you can […]


The Benefits of Cord Blood Stem Cells

Banking your child's cord blood stem cells can change or even save a life. The lifesaving power of the umbilical cord blood is no longer a secret. Cord blood stem cells are a better alternative to bone marrow in transplants, and have been used for 20 years to treat more […]


Industries that Use Conductive Polymers

Conductive polymers (or conductive plastics) have led to major advances in technology because they do not conduct electricity and act as an insulator. Many industries have adopted this into their products, most of which we use today. Plastics have many advantages to them: they are durable, weather resistant, and they last a […]


The Differences between Interpreting and Translation

Although translation and interpreting are closely related, you'll hardly find a person who works as an interpreter as well as a translator. The difference lies in training, aptitude, skill and even language knowledge are very substantial and few people can do it successfully on a certain professional level. The only […]