Search Results for "finances"


Tips To Beat the Slowdown in the Hotel Industry

When the economy is in a whirlwind and there is uncertainty about job security and the foreseeable economic future, spending habits change. Families and individuals adjust their budgets and limit their traveling spend to save for the future. The recent turn of events has proven that recessions and other types […]

Business planning

7 top tips for starting a new business

Starting a business is an exciting prospect despite new challenges thrown up by the coronavirus pandemic. Ok, so you can’t host a big opening party or open your dream bricks-and-mortar premises right now. However, with a few adaptations and some creative thinking, you can still get your business idea off […]

Real estate

The house buying process in England

England is among the renowned nations of the world. House buying is a lengthy process that contains multiple terms, conditions, and formalities as part of the procedure. For most borrowers, it is a maze or like and unsolved riddle which creates anxiety in new buyers. Here you can read simplified […]