Search Results for "Additionally"

Debt and credit

Understanding Debt Settlement to Avoid Scams

Sometimes there are alternatives to bankruptcy, and depending on your particular situation one of those is debt settlement. Debt Settlement is a way of working with your creditors and debt collectors to settle your outstanding debts for less than the amount that you owe. Depending on the amount of money you […]


Why GMO Labeling is Important

GMO (genetically modified organisms) are organisms that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. Not all foods are genetically modified, but many of the staple food crops, including corn, soy, and wheat are overwhelmingly genetically altered. As GMOs have become more common in supermarkets, this has raised concern about […]


Throwing an Awesome Party

If you’re ready to let loose and have a great time, throwing a party can be a ton of fun. Although it does come with more responsible than simply being the guest at someone else’s party, it also means that you get more control over how everything goes. Since you […]

Real estate

Getting to Know an Area Before You Move In

It can be an exciting, but also intimidating, experience to move to a new place. There are many uncertainties attached to moving, especially if it's to a place you have limited knowledge of or have never been to before. Are you relocating for work and are pressed for time to find a […]