
The Efficiency of Digital Medical Records in Hospitals

Medical records hold a wealth of information on each and every patient that a hospital sees. From the identifying details such as the patient's name and age, to the current medication they are prescribed to take, the medical record gives doctors and nurses the information that they need in order to provide the best possible care. Patient records have undergone a significant change in the past few decades as more and more hospitals and doctor's offices are turning to using computers to store and organize their files.

Although the first medical records system was developed in the early 1970s by the Regenstreif Institute, it wasn't until 1991 that the Institute of Medicine in the United States recommended organizations use computers to digitize their medical records. There are many benefits to using electronic medical records instead of having physical folders and charts on hand.

Benefits of Using Electronic Patient Records

Firstly, electronic records cut down on the amount of space needed to store folders by hospitals. This allows for more efficiency in the process because everything is stored on a network that is easily accessed from any of your devices. Also, it is easier to search for a patient's record on a computer to pull up, rather than having to go to a central records area to find the charts your doctors need to treat a patient.

In addition, when a doctor is with a patient, they can easily enter notes into an electronic medical record rather than having to take the time to write in shorthand which may not make sense later on. When X-rays are taken or other diagnostic tests are completed, the results are easily added to a patient's record without worrying that the proper information is transported physically from one area of your hospital to another.

Increase Effectiveness By Reducing Costs

Since the workflow process is made easier by allowing doctors and nurses to complete charts in less time, more patients can be scheduled. This lets more people get the care that they need without having to wait around for an opening. Medical records will also become more complete and accurate, ensuring that the patient gets the most effective care.

Besides making things more efficient in each examination room, electronic health records also reduce healthcare costs in each hospital and practice. Unnecessary storage costs are eliminated because the records are kept secure on your servers. Investing in a backup system will ensure that you have access to the necessary information in the event that your primary server fails for any reason. Additionally, these records cost less to generate, meaning the investment will pay for itself over time.

With technology increasingly making the lives of people more efficient in every way, it makes sense to extend that maxim to the healthcare profession. Electronic medical records benefit not only the hospital itself but also every patient by making it possible to provide effective and quality healthcare. Lower initial costs and more efficiency allows medical professionals to see more patients and keep detailed profiles on patients to ensure that everyone's needs are being met in the best possible way.

Written by Technical Consultant Team at Onyx Healthcare.

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