Search Results for "covered"

Cardboard Waste

Should Your Business Buy a Baler?

Recycling cardboard and other waste has become a law in many countries, and businesses need to take proper action to minimize the time spent when dealing with such proceedings. Using an baler is a much more effective way to reduce a business' costs in terms of transportation and time. These […]


Famous Tax Evaders

It can be disheartening to look at your paycheck every month and realize that Uncle Sam has taken away a big chunk of it - maybe more than you think he deserves. You may find yourself thinking of the things you could do if you could bring home all of the […]

Other stories

The Coolest Animals on Earth

All of us feel a certain affinity for our favourite members of the animal kingdom, but once you’ve familiarised yourself with some of these more obscure critters you may have to rethink where your affections lie. Here’s a look ten of the coolest creatures you’ve never heard of (until now). […]

Travel and living

Fun Things To Do In Alaska

Alaska is the 49th state to join the United States, and is also often called the Land of the Midnight Sun. Depending on what time of year you visit this state, you may only have three or four hours of sunlight during the day. This makes for some very cold winters, and […]


Considerations for Contract Furniture

Contract furniture is, essentially, furniture used for commercial use. So while you might think a certain type of seating booth would look great in your dining room, unless it’s a commercial one, you need to have a rethink. Contract furniture is the ideal solution for a lot of businesses, many […]


Tips to Avoid Auto Dealer Scams

Buying or trading off your car is not an easy task as it involves a lot of paperwork and require information that so many people do not have at their disposal or are not aware. Being duped is the last thing that a car shopper or trader needs as a […]


The World’s Most Expensive Parking Spaces

It was recently revealed that an underground parking space near to the Royal Albert Hall had gone onto the open market for a staggering £275,000 – that's ten times the average annual salary in the UK. But this isn't the first piece of parking real estate that's come with a […]

Marketing SEO

Are Web Directories Still Useful?

In the last couple years, there was an intense debate regarding the usefulness of web directories. A few years ago, anyone on a low budget could submit a website to (say) 50 web directories and a decent traffic as well as Page Rank was assured. Since Google changed the whole […]

Business Law

An Introduction to Premises Liability

Business owners often hear about lawsuits occurring under seemingly dubious circumstances. This has led to a false belief among some business owners that they are liable for every incident that occurs within the confines of their place of business. By dispelling myths about premises liability, business owners can rest more […]