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Sure, you do not even want to think about retiring. Old people are sick and constantly grumbling. Why don't you think of a retirement as of your golden years? Isn't it great to have much spare time which you can devote to things and people you love? Isn't it great […]


The History of Lip Gloss

Lip gloss from moist to shiny, has a long, colorful and rich history. Originally lip gloss was created by Max Factor the inventor of makeup back in the early 1900's as a quick fix application to help make actresses lips more moist and shiny to save time in creating the actress […]


Differences Between Esthetician and Dermatologist

Some people confuse estheticians with dermatologists because both professionals specialize in skin care treatments, but there are some major differences between the two different professions. Although both dermatologists and estheticians provide skin care treatments, dermatologists are able to make a diagnosis and provide medical treatment while estheticians simply offer cosmetic […]


How to Become an ISA Certified Arborist

If you have a natural passion for the environment in general, and trees in particular, then you might want to become an arborist. An arborist is a professional who grows, manages, and studies trees, vines, shrubs and other woody vegetation. These are essentially “tree doctors” who are consulted regarding the […]

Health Nutrition

The Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea has long been known as beneficial herbal supplement, but its value extends far beyond what most people might imagine. It's a tasty and unique tea that has been used for thousands of years by cultures all across the globe. It provides a veritable laundry list of benefits that […]


Why DNA Testing can Change Your Lifestyle

Medical science has proven that genetics matter when it comes to health. Companies that do DNA testing offer a way to map genes and determine how healthy a person's future looks. The results provide a guide so you can choose ways to stay well - from relieving stress to picking […]


Tips to Get Your Children Interested in Sport

The great English writer George Orwell, who gave the world Animal Farm and 1984, once wrote that sport is “war minus the shooting”. He was alluding to international sport and the Olympics, and undoubtedly these are the pinnacles of any professional sporting person’s career. Where children are concerned, developing an […]

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Pando Project 2011

ABOUT PANDO What is Pando? Pando is a nonprofit that empowers people to step up as leaders and develop new, local solutions to the problems in their communities. Who will use Pando? Pando will accept applications from any American over the age of 18. However the target demographic is Millennials […]