Search Results for "file hosting"

Web design

How to Make a Resume Website

Welcome to the 21st century! A digital era where more importance than ever is placed on your online profile. This is your guide to building a website so that when potential employers are looking through candidates, your web presence can pull you ahead to the front of the pack. Seriously, […]


What Is Software as a Service (SaaS)?

With the growth of the Internet and the proliferation of cloud computing, Software as a Service (Saas) is quickly being adopted by companies around the world. Service-based options are becoming cost-effective and more accessible alternatives to traditional software packages. Originally, Software as a Service was envisioned as a companion to […]


The Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

In the past few years, more and more companies have begun releasing products and services that use cloud computing technology. As the name suggests, cloud technology is where data is stored on remote servers and data centers. Instead of keeping all the hardware and software on site, it’s placed on […]