Search Results for "studies"


How to Become an ISA Certified Arborist

If you have a natural passion for the environment in general, and trees in particular, then you might want to become an arborist. An arborist is a professional who grows, manages, and studies trees, vines, shrubs and other woody vegetation. These are essentially “tree doctors” who are consulted regarding the […]


The Problem With Prenatal Tests

With the onslaught of new prenatal tests flooding the market for new mothers, there are some new concerns being raised by both patients and doctors alike as to their effectiveness. Unlike a simple paternity test, problems have arisen with these prenatal tests due to the complex nature of the understanding […]

Health Nutrition

Benefits of Cooking Your Own Food

It’s no secret that America is a fast food nation. It’s also not hard to look at our dismal national health statistics and connect the dots. While plenty of people are trying to make a change, there are quite a few challenges to overcome. One common trap is the assumption […]