Search Results for "email password"

Data security

7 Types of Cybercriminals and How they Operate

Any crime that is committed using the internet, any computer technology or computer system is called Cybercrime. It has grown rampant in this digital age, even contributing to high crime rates in countries due to a large number of cybercrimes committed each year. According to statistics, 400 million fall victim […]

Personal finance

Things to Consider for Safe Internet Banking

As expertise progresses, ways of banking have also superior along with it, increasingly. And now each and all banks provide an Internet banking service to its clients. Since the beginning of Internet banking services, anybody with a bank account in some bank can access his account online via his bank’s website. In fact, […]


Internet Dating in Our Later Years

People often associate online dating with the younger generation, but the truth is that there are many of us in our later years who are also looking for companionship. Life is complicated and a lot of people end up being single in their 50's, and this can be due to […]

Data security

Identity Theft and the World Wide Web

Identity theft is an increasing problem that has achieved worldwide, substantial proportions. On the internet identification theft is on the rise and can have a huge, detrimental effect on your lifestyle by ruining your credit ranking rating and even leaving you open to legal charges for legal offenses that are […]