Search Results for "distractions"

Data security

Business Security: Why Remote Working Needs a VPN

Not only our phones are mobile but today’s employees and workforce are increasingly mobile as well due to the latest technological advances. Nowadays, organizations may have their employees in different locations across the globe to run their business operations and processes smoothly without facing the barriers of time and location. […]


10 Innovative New Fifts on the Market

Modern technology is always improving, and it’s only natural that some of that technology gets pushed into novelty items and gifts. Things that were impossible a decade ago are now sold as toys and upgraded versions of the things we use in everyday life, but that doesn’t make them any […]


5 Ways to Encourage your Kids to take a Tech Break

Life as a parent can be frustrating and rewarding in equal measure. One minute your child is astounding you with their newfound knowledge, sense of humour and limitless energy, the next, they’re staring inanely at a screen for hours on end. With smartphones, tablets, PlayStations and many more all constantly […]


How to Boost Productivity During A Long Workday

Assuming that you’re reading this during work hours, it’s likely that you’re feeling unproductive. You haven’t been able to focus on the task or wasted time scrolling through social media. Whatever the case, you can do a few things to boost your productivity and make the most of your workday, […]