Search Results for "effects"


Dual Diagnosis Therapy

While dealing with the effects of a substance use disorder or a mental health disorder, trying to continue or complete a treatment program often proves difficult. When you suffer from at least one co-occurring substance addiction as well as a mental health disorder, dealing with dual diagnosis disorders on your […]

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Tips for Improving Camera Phone Photos

Your phone was once capable of taking a blurry snap with a tiny resolution. Mobile phone cameras are getting better and better. Gone are the days, when you had to carry a bulkier DSLR. Camera-phone makers are now paying more attention to sensor quality, speed, and optics, rather than just […]


Top Three Beauty Treatments

There are some beauty treatments that you cannot live without. The human body needs constant upkeep as it is usually attempting to revert back to its unkempt state. These usually require the procedures that cannot be done by yourself. You need a professional to do them for you. Women and […]


How to Get Pregnant Without Intercourse

Most women usually get pregnant by finding a suitable partner they're in love with. They have intercourse and hope for their pregnancy test to come out positive. But, for a lot of women out there, things are not as simple. Some of them find it hard to get pregnant for […]


5 Anti-aging Korean Skincare Tips for Women

Most people wait until they reach a certain age to switch to intensive firming and anti-aging products. On the other hand, Koreans emphasize mostly on overall skincare maintenance form a very tender age. The fight against the effects of age to skin starts pretty early to maintain a young and […]

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What Causes Wrongful Deaths?

It is never easy to lose a loved one. It is even more traumatizing when the death was preventable if someone had been careful. In such a situation, the deceased family has legal rights to compensation. However, it is best to work with an experienced wrongful death attorney. Automobile Accidents […]

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How to Design a Productive Office Space?

World Green Building Council recently concluded that there is overwhelming evidence linking the office space design and productivity of employees. But it's not a new thing; it's been there from quite a long time and we all know that productivity level of employees go down when they aren't comfortable. May […]


Simple Ways to Improve Your Digestive Health

A lot of people don't realize that their digestive tract is actually the seat of their immune system. Without a healthy digestive system, you'll be more susceptible to a variety of health issues. Therefore, keeping your digestion regular and maintaining gut health is a part of keeping your entire body […]