Search Results for "molecule"


The Purpose of Chromatography Columns

Chromatography belongs to that family of inventions that really changed the world but few people know it. Some people may guess with the etymology that it basically means "the writing of colors", from the ancient Greek chroma that means color and graphein that means writing. But very of them can really […]


How Men Can Look Younger

You may not be ready to start looking at retirement homes yet, but your face could be showing more signs of your age than you'd like to admit. They haven't found a way to literally turn back time, but that doesn't mean you can't fool everyone by finding ways to […]


Why DNA Testing can Change Your Lifestyle

Medical science has proven that genetics matter when it comes to health. Companies that do DNA testing offer a way to map genes and determine how healthy a person's future looks. The results provide a guide so you can choose ways to stay well - from relieving stress to picking […]