Search Results for "properties"


How Can My Job Cause Me Hearing Loss

Research has shown that 50% of the population will develop some form of hearing loss at some point in their life. Many believe that hearing loss is just a sign of ageing. Although in some cases this is true, there are thousands of people suffering from noise induced hearing loss […]

CSS Technology

The Box Model in CSS3

A powerful feature of CSS3 is it allows the designer to position elements in page. Such method is called CSS-P or Positioning. As you know, the web browser phisically organizes the page according to the HTML code. A Box Model represents the sum of rules leading to the final aspect […]

CSS Technology

How CSS inheritance affects the HTML tags output

Inheritance is the basement of the CSS structures. Elements’ properties can actually inherit the values from the dominant HTML tags unless you specify a different value for a child element (i.e. <h1 style=”font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px; font-weight:normal;”>….</h1> has a style defined inside the h1 tag, a so-called child element). If […]

CSS Technology

CSS3 modules list and definitions

In CSS3, W3C has modified the specification: several separate modules instead of a single one; each of these modules is dedicated to a specific aspect of CSS. Such approach has the advantage of helping companies that build internet browsers to implement one module at time without having to rewrite the […]


The Art of Cannabis Cooking

As the legal status of cannabis continues to evolve, cannabis-infused cuisine is emerging as an innovative and tantalizing way to enjoy the plant’s benefits. Transforming cannabis into delectable dishes goes beyond the ubiquitous pot brownies, offering a sophisticated and diverse range of flavors and experiences. This article will explore the […]