Search Results for "expert bathroom"


Saving Costs on Minor Home Repairs

Despite continuing reports of economic growth in the UK, recent figures suggest that home-owners are feeling less optimistic about their personal finances. In fact, the Markit Household Finance Index (HFI) recently revealed that there was a sharp decline in consumer confidence between October and November, as it fell from 41 […]


How to Reduce the Risk of Premature Birth

Premature or preterm birth is a common phenomenon in the UK, and it refers to any uncompleted pregnancy term that lasts for less than 37 weeks. It is usually a consequence of preterm labour, which can strike without warning or as a result of various behavioural and genetic factors. Regardless […]


The Most Common Home Renovation Errors

When it comes to renovation works, a home owner is supposed to do lots of errors. Ignoring preparation work and safety, choosing wrong fixtures and setting unrealistic budget, all lead to common home renovation mishaps. Let us find out how these errors happen, why homeowners do these mistakes and the […]


Should you Choose Blinds over Curtains?

The range of curtains and blinds nowadays can sometimes be dizzying, and the choice is a difficult one to make. Here we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of blinds over curtains. Installation and cost Some blinds, such as roller blinds, are very easy to fit and you can do it […]


Tips That Will Add Value to Your Home

Looking to sell your home and hoping to get top dollar? Here are the five top items recommended by real estate experts that are sure to impress potential buyers and boost your asking price. 1. Kitchen Appliances. The most popular room in any home is the kitchen. It's also the most valuable on […]

Fitness Health Sport

Is Getting In Shape Really This Easy?

DISCLAIMER: If you've been in an ongoing battle with weight gain, involving many failed attempts at diets, exercise routines, or even medical consult-we have the utmost respect for your journey-but this article really isn't for you. If you're younger, have never "watched what you ate" and have just started to […]