Search Results for "commercial"


Domestic Growing vs. Commercial Growing

Although domestic and commercial growing of any type of plants, fruit and veg seem to do the same thing, they have completely different objectives and thus need different criteria and environments. We will try and outline what both involve and some of the advantages and disadvantages of both. We hope […]


Choosing The Right Commercial Refrigeration Appliances

In a restaurant or food service establishment, refrigeration is not just a perk: it’s a necessity. Without effective refrigeration for food items and ingredients, it would be impossible for restaurant owners or caterers to purchase ingredients in bulk, store ingredients safely and effectively, and keep food at the optimal temperature. […]

Real estate

Best Commercial Property Areas in the UK

When looking for a commercial property the usual conurbations of Manchester, Birmingham and London will probably be forefront in thinking, however there are some more unusual locations that are very up and coming that have slipped under the radar in the past now theses hotspots are well and truly making […]