Search Results for "Proteins"

diet food

Healthy Holiday Snacking While in the Car

Snacks make a road trip. There’s nothing better than indulging on the small bite while cruising across the state. Snacks are notorious for being unhealthy. This time of the year, you’ll probably be stuffing yourself any chance you get – it’s the holidays after all. There’s no reason why you […]


Can Stem Cell Therapy Repair Damaged Knees?

Lately in the United States, stem cell therapy is being praised as a wonder cure for everything from spinal repair to wrinkles. But only a few of these applications come with scientific backing. However, there has been some really promising studies done on stem cell therapy for knees. People develop […]


Hypothyroidism: The Great Imposter

The human thyroid gland weighs 1.5 ounces and secrets about a teaspoon of thyroid hormone over the course of a year. Yet, the health of the human body is completely dependent on two thyroid hormones, without which the metabolism of every cell in the body would come to a grinding halt. A study of randomly chosen Nebraska Fair goers who underwent blood […]