Search Results for "amounts"


The Richest Countries in The World in 2013

Countries are said to be rich if people living there are earning enough so they can support themselves. Following are the names of top 10 richest countries in the world. These countries are on the top of GDP per capita recorded according to data gathered in 2012. GDP value is […]


Introduction To Forex Trading

Forex trading-also known as FX trading-refers to purchases and sales of international currencies as diverse as Euro, Japanese Yen, US Dollar, Canadian Dollar and Great Britain’s Pound Sterling. In FX lingo, these currencies bear the respective acronyms of EUR, JPY, USD, CAD and GBP. Over the last several years, FX […]


Scenario Planning in Business

Nearly 32 years ago, the science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov, wrote: ‘No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is but the world as it will be.’ This sentiment is now enshrined in business strategy, as organisations increasingly turn to […]

Debt and credit

How to Safely Manage a Clothing Account

If managed correctly, a clothing account can be very helpful. Who doesn't love the idea of shopping for clothes even when you don't have money? However, as with all forms of credit, a clothing account can have its dark side. Here are some tips to manage your account responsibly, while still […]


Ensure The Safety of Your Warehouse

While it might sound like an over exaggeration, warehouses can be some of the most dangerous working environments there are. Some warehouses, such as those owned by online retail giant Amazon, span vast expanses - around the size of nine football pitches - and are jam-packed full of shelves and […]

Home & family

The Happiest Place For Women in Australia

GO WALKABOUT WINNER: Noosa, Qld Forget that bargain apartment next to the freeway -a good “walking town” is a better investment. A study from the Department of Health in Victoria found that women who walk daily to and from work can reduce their lO-year risk of cardio heart disease. Last […]


Why Sports Scholarships Are Hard

One of the best things about studying in the United States is the emphasis on sports and how deserving sportspersons are offered athletic scholarships to pursue their education. However, while this seems to be an extremely attractive proposition for sports people who may not have great academic grades, such scholarships […]


How To Protect Your Car From Vandalism

You grab a takeout meal and head outside to your vehicle only to find that it is covered in graffiti, or it’s been keyed, or the windshield was broken. Not cool. Not cool at all. Although a comprehensive automobile insurance can cover the damages caused by the act of vandalism, […]