Search Results for "expertise"

Data security

7 Types of Cybercriminals and How they Operate

Any crime that is committed using the internet, any computer technology or computer system is called Cybercrime. It has grown rampant in this digital age, even contributing to high crime rates in countries due to a large number of cybercrimes committed each year. According to statistics, 400 million fall victim […]


Preventive Measures to Diabetes

The prevention measures against diabetes are more of health eating. However, when it comes to diabetes type 2 it is quite challenging. Preventing yourself against diabetes is a gradual process that requires time, patience and dedication. It entails a change in your lifestyle to reduce the probability of diabetes and […]


Filling a Provisional Patent Application

The process for patenting a creation is rather simple. An inventor records a document, a ‘patent application,’ with the patent agency that describes a state-of-the-art product or process. An ‘examiner’ at the patent organization then defines whether or not the invention designated in the patent application is ‘new as well […]