Search Results for "records"


How do Buildings Handle Mother Nature at Her Most Extreme?

Extreme weather conditions and natural disasters cause hundreds of fatalities a year and cause billions of pounds worth of damage. Due to advances in design technology and materials, architects and construction genius´ are miraculously coming up with new design concepts to create structures that can withstand extreme conditions to protect […]

Small business

Improving Small Business Efficiency

Finding ways to improve the profitability of an enterprise is always on the mind of an individual that runs a small business. A good foundational business plan, a clear and succinct mission statement, and a group of dependable employees; these all contribute to the overall profitability of a small business. One […]


Tips When Buying a New Washer

Since there are many different types of washing machines on the market, selecting the one that is most suitable for your particular needs can be a bit challenging and confusing. We will attempt to give you some buying tips that will make this process more straightforward for you. Selecting the right […]


Helpful Tips In Purchasing Used Cars

Used cars are increasingly becoming popular today because they are affordable and cheap. Most of them are sold at 30% less the value of a new car. This gives buyers a great chance to save and still be able to afford top notch brands that are expensive when new. Nonetheless, […]


Tips to Avoid Auto Dealer Scams

Buying or trading off your car is not an easy task as it involves a lot of paperwork and require information that so many people do not have at their disposal or are not aware. Being duped is the last thing that a car shopper or trader needs as a […]


Health and Safety in the Workplace

Workplace health and safety is a vital consideration for any organisation. With health and safety legislation governing many aspects of the workplace, employers have a duty to ensure their working environment is safe for anyone entering it. Here are some valuable tips to ensure your health and safety measures in […]


What Is an Employee Screening Program (ESP)

Every employer has some kind of employee screening process. It's not too often that people are hired without an application or interview. These screening processes are a very simple an accepted way to find out in the candidate is qualified for the company and position. But what if the interview […]