Search Results for "allowed"


Domestic Growing vs. Commercial Growing

Although domestic and commercial growing of any type of plants, fruit and veg seem to do the same thing, they have completely different objectives and thus need different criteria and environments. We will try and outline what both involve and some of the advantages and disadvantages of both. We hope […]


Personal Hygiene & Food Safety in Catering

Food poisoning is a serious business. In some very rare cases it can be lethal. Fortunately, it’s incredibly easy to avoid. As long as basic hygiene and food safety rules are always followed, nasty bugs like salmonella, e-coli and staphylococcus will never manage to gain a foothold on food or […]


EXIN certifications

EXIN is known to be the best provider of most comprehensive set of IT certificates. Today in the fast pacing world where IT is progressing through leaps and bounds, this organization is doing its best to generate learned and intellectual IT professionals. IT professionals around the world opt for certification […]

IT Taxes

What Payroll Software Should Your Business Use?

Maintaining payroll systems can require long hours and tedious work. As a business grows and the number of employees increases, tracking things like sick pay, tax deductions, insurance benefits, and maternity pay and wages can become an overwhelming task. Most companies that have only a few employees choose to do […]

Loans Mortgages

Understanding The Basics of Mortgage Loans

Nowadays people are afraid to take loans. This is partly due to uncertain economic situation of the entire world, which may cascade down as job loss, and partly due to the personal impressions about loans. People have possibly burnt their fingers by borrowing heavily, or have seen somebody they knew […]


Subjects That Should Be Taught But Are Not

It's always the same old story. Go to school. Learn English, math, history, science, and the searing pain of social rejection. Go home. Forget everything you learned. Most of the things learned in a typical school curriculum not only fail to prepare students for college and the real world, but […]


How Ultrasound Portability Is Changing The World

Anyone with a history of a life-threatening illness can tell you that diagnosis is key for timely, proper treatment. Historically, using invasive procedures for diagnosis could leave a patient in a worse condition than they were in to begin with, and if their situation was dire, it could even mean death. Medical […]