Search Results for "commitment"


Can Hydrogen Cars Run on the Road in the Future?

Hydrogen cars seem to overcome the extensive technological challenges regarding production, consumption of hydrogen and fuel cells and transportation. In spite of this, hydrogen cars are likely to leave their well-earned place from the car world under the extreme political pressure within a few years. The major car brands have […]


How to Save for Your Child’s University Fees

The cost of sending a child to university today is staggering, so much so that many are deciding to forego higher education altogether and enter the workforce directly from high school. And while no parent wants to see their youngsters start professional careers under the strain of oppressive student loan debt, […]


Tips for Improving Your Language Skills

Learning a language is not an easy, or instantaneous task. So if you’re struggling to master a new and challenging tongue, don’t give up! There are many tricks and tips which can aid your progress. To seriously advance when learning a language it often helps to think of the process […]

Personal finance

Methods to Create a Budget

There are many reasons why someone may not have implemented a budget to their finances. Some feel they haven't got the time, some feel they haven't got the knowledge whereas others simply don't know where to start. The first thing to decide is where you're going to record your budget. […]


Wonderful Ways to Spend Your Retirement

Retirement leaves an individual with a lot of free time and it is possible that one could be left feeling lost without the focus of work or confused by the best ways to spend their pension money. Nowadays, retirement is no longer a time for rest; people are living longer […]


General Considerations for Game Apps Design

With the popularity of smartphone apps increasing constantly, your app could be the next big thing and could turn your life around. However, if you are to have such an opportunity, you need to keep in mind the following five tips when designing a game app. By implementing the following […]


How to Find a Job if You Are Over 50?

Getting a job in these difficult financial times is hard enough, but it can be even harder if you are over the age of 50. Older workers are far more likely to find themselves unemployed in the long-term so what can you do to improve your chances of finding employment? […]


Advantages of Having a LEED-Certified Building

Many businesses claim that their company is committed to protecting the environment. Promises like these after all, are easy enough to make. Keeping them, however, is another story. Sometimes, some of these so-called "green businesses" are only concerned with gaining public points by projecting this eco-friendly image. On closer inspection, […]


Signs of an Abusive Partner

Being in a relationship can be maddening, especially when you become a tad obsessive with your partner. You want to spend every waking hour together or know their every movement. Unfortunately, if you immerse yourself too much in the relationship, it can turn into an all-consuming and suffocating bond. In […]