Search Results for "disperse"


Features of Photo Printers

The printer that is designed for printing photos can be put to use by the professional or amateur photographer to give new prints to people who are paying for photography services or to family members who want to hold on to memories that were just made. These devices can come […]


Can Hydrogen Cars Run on the Road in the Future?

Hydrogen cars seem to overcome the extensive technological challenges regarding production, consumption of hydrogen and fuel cells and transportation. In spite of this, hydrogen cars are likely to leave their well-earned place from the car world under the extreme political pressure within a few years. The major car brands have […]


Software To Understand What Dolphins Are Saying

There are computers rugged enough to immerse in water for a special purpose—to bridge the gap between the sophisticated language of dolphins and that of humans. These touchscreen computers are part of a language interface between two of the most intelligent types of mammals in the world. A variety of software programs […]


Using Vaporizers In Cuisine To Infuse Flavour

Science has greatly invaded our society nowadays that even cooking has adapted some scientific techniques of its own. Molecular gastronomy, a new sub-discipline of food science, makes it possible to incorporate certain techniques to cooking that were not ordinarily thought possible. One such example is the food aromatization technique. Preparing […]