Search Results for "illness"


Avoiding Mold After Water Damage

If a flood, leak or some other unfortunate event has resulted in water damage in your home, the last thing you want to think about is what could happen in the future, but it is something you need to address right away. Water damage creates the perfect environment for mold […]


Why You Need a Patient Advocate

The United States' health care system is complicated - and getting more and more complicated by the day, as the nation adjusts to the changes wrought by the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, which is set to take effect next year. So whether it is you or a loved […]


Big data driving the IT Jobs market

You've probably heard the statistic that for every minute of the day we upload an hours' worth of video to Youtube, but did you also know that we create 2.5 quintrillion bytes of data? According to IBM "90% of the data in the world today has been created in the […]


How Ultrasound Portability Is Changing The World

Anyone with a history of a life-threatening illness can tell you that diagnosis is key for timely, proper treatment. Historically, using invasive procedures for diagnosis could leave a patient in a worse condition than they were in to begin with, and if their situation was dire, it could even mean death. Medical […]