Search Results for "extra costs"


Enjoying Post-Retirement Life

We may think of retirement as an end of our productive years; though in fact it can be the most rewarding time of our lives. This is the time when I can enjoy the fruits of my labor after working hard for so long. While I may be proud of […]


Know Your Consumer Rights

For all practical purposes, the most protection that the public consumer had before the 1960s was the old adage Caveat Emptor (buyer beware.) Although fraud and corruption has not diminished any, there have been several legal tools implemented that do offer the public and consumers leverage in a form of […]


Auto Insurance Minimums

Every state or locality has their own requirements for the minimum amount of car insurance a person needs to carry in order for them to cover themselves and others in the event of an accident. For many people, carrying the minimum is standard because it is the most affordable way […]