Search Results for "finances"


The Major Causes of Stress for Families

Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Most people view stress as a harbinger of mental breakdowns, health problems and overall intolerance for social functioning. Stress is a normal occurrence and can help you get motivated and draw out the energy to pull off the things you thought you couldn't manage. […]

Mobile devices

Voice, Commands and Chat in Mobile Apps

The focus on developing voice commands and technology for mobile devices is reshaping the user experience. Years ago Siri broke onto the mobile scene with the iPhone. This first major development in voice technology revolutionized smartphones for the average person. Now voice chat apps, "Ok Google" commands, wearable smart devices […]


Top Title Loan Myths Debunked

If you are in need of fast cash and want to borrow money, you may come across the idea of a car title loan. A car title loan lets you borrow cash by using the equity in your vehicle as collateral. In other words, you can tap into the money you […]


Pros and Cons of Hiring a Wedding Planner

Hiring a Wedding Planner has now become the norm for most weddings these days. It seems couples just can't figure out how to plan their wedding without the help of one. Their services and expertise are now deemed indispensable for anyone wanting to walk down the aisle. But I bet […]