Search Results for "term community"


How To Plan Your Retirement Overseas

The villa in Central America is your ideal vacation paradise, the seaside condo in Spain is the perfect home away from home, but would you consider them for your retirement? Maybe so! If the thought of retiring overseas sounds like a life of dreams, step back, take a deep breath […]

Internet Marketing SEO

How to Increase Blog Traffic

If there’s one thing that keeps bloggers up at night, it’s solving the mysteries of site traffic. There’s a reason, after all, we check the stats on our WordPress sites every five minutes, and it’s not just neuroticism (though that’s in there too). But with so many blogs out there […]


What is Mail Forwarding?

For those that aren't familiar with the many different options that abound regarding business mail, there is something to look into that will change the way you think about sending and receiving packages. That significant option is mail forwarding. At first glance, this option seems self explanatory, but it's actually […]


Enjoying Post-Retirement Life

We may think of retirement as an end of our productive years; though in fact it can be the most rewarding time of our lives. This is the time when I can enjoy the fruits of my labor after working hard for so long. While I may be proud of […]

Employment Law

Can You Be Fired For DUI?

DUI (driving under the influence) are widely regarded as serious felonies in most states and as such carry penalties that range from jail term and monetary fines to suspension of driver’s license and mandatory DUI classes. Over the years, DUI laws have become harsher given the number of fatalities and […]


Common SEO Mistakes Made by Bloggers

There is no doubt that composing and publishing compelling Internet content in the form of blog posts can increase a business's profitability and brand recognition. However, many bloggers fail to identify the existence of problems that can hurt SEO efforts, reduce readership and harm the reputation of a business. The […]


Finding Help For Alcohol Addiction

If you are addicted to alcohol, it can be difficult to identify the next step. Most addicts realize that continuing in the addiction is harmful on multiple levels, but without the right information, it can be hard to break the addiction. Depending on your personality and level of addiction, different […]


Why DNA Testing can Change Your Lifestyle

Medical science has proven that genetics matter when it comes to health. Companies that do DNA testing offer a way to map genes and determine how healthy a person's future looks. The results provide a guide so you can choose ways to stay well - from relieving stress to picking […]