Search Results for "legenda"


Inspiring Celebrity Home Offices

Working from home >is now the reality for more Americans than ever before, so it pays to have a home office that allows you to be at your happy, creative and productive best. You can, however, “borrow” a few interior design tips from the stars to help you create an […]


Playster: For The Love Of Film

From a young age, many of us have experienced the magic of going to the cinema. Movies are a pastime that can be enjoyed by all ages and are a great opportunity to bond with family and friends. But going out to see films can become expensive, which is why […]


History of Film and Cinema: A Brief Overview

Over the past few decades, we have seen cinema grow from a novelty to the most popular medium of art and entertainment in the world. Movies have become the new medium of storytelling, giving viewers the opportunity to experience interesting, hilarious, bizarre and even impossible things from a third person […]


Motor Yacht Chasseur: Luxury on the high seas

Designed by Christensen Shipyards (most famous for designing a luxury yacht for legendary golfer Tiger Woods), the Motor Yacht Chasseur is a state of the art, 160 meter-long luxury yacht bursting with every possible modern accessory. For example, every bedroom (or ‘stateroom’, per the website) contains a fifty inch LCD […]

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Top Film Locations in Ireland

For a relatively small country, Ireland has enjoyed quite an illustrious career on screen. With its rolling green hills, picturesque villages and diverse urban landscape, the Emerald Isle is a location scout's dream - a photogenic landscape that always offers up its best side to the camera, whether representing itself […]

Fitness Nutrition

Optimum Nutrition - The World's Favourite Brand

Even if you're new to the fitness scene, it's likely you'll have heard of Optimum Nutrition. It's one of the world's most renowned supplement manufacturers, with the latest technology behind its extensive range of products. When the company was conceived,health consciousness and sports nutrition was less prevalent than it is […]