Search Results for "health aim"


4 Key Components of a Successful Healthcare Marketing Strategy

Despite the controversy surrounding for-profit healthcare, the hospitals that claim for-profit status tend to fare better and benefit a broader demographic of patients than their non-profit counterparts. How so? For one, for-profit hospitals can funnel their additional funding into state-of-the-art technology and adequately staff their facilities, trimming down patient wait […]


A Perfect Plan For A Healthy Life

Due to the pandemic going on due to COVID-19, we all have changed. Since we can’t go out, our bodies have changed, some have lost weight, some have gained weight. The awkward shapes that our bodies are in now are causing a lot of physical and mental tension. Dealing with […]


How Being Vegan Benefits Your Health?

The number of people cutting out meat is increasing, as is the number of those curious about a meat-free lifestyle. Veganism and the interest in a plant-based diet have risen so much so that even famous sportspeople and celebrities are advocating the health benefits of a diet free from animal […]


Understanding the Importance of Health Insurance

Health insurance is one of the most frequently discussed topics in the healthcare industry. All over the world, this is a global industry that is responsible for the appropriate handling of all things health and wellness. But besides this obvious fact, health insurance is about giving people access to adequate […]

5 Reasons Healthcare Businesses Should Adopt A CRM

5 Reasons Healthcare Businesses Should Adopt A CRM

Not long ago, customer relationship management or CRM systems were thought to be purely marketing tools, unsuited to the healthcare landscape. But now that there is a greater understanding of their robustness, CRMs have become widely adopted in the industry, with many large caregivers adopting them as key components. This […]


How Mobile Medicine Is Changing the Healthcare Industry

Mobile technology has changed the way many industries do business. The banking industry, for example, used to involve long waiting times and tedious form-filling. Now, an individual can easily perform any banking transaction remotely, provided they have a smartphone handy. Other industries like the travel industry and the food service […]


Are Electronic Cigarettes Healthier than Smoking?

It’s just over a decade since e-cigarettes really first came to light, although the first electronic cigarette was invented many years before that. In recent years there’s been a huge surge in their popularity serving a wide range of vapers. So are we any clearer in knowing if electronic cigarettes […]