Search Results for "eligible"

Small business

What Idaho Employers Need to Know About Workmans Comp

It’s critical for employers in Idaho to comprehend the regulations governing workers’ compensation. Employees who sustain injuries or illnesses at work may be eligible for financial support from workers’ compensation insurance. When an employee cannot work due to an injury or illness, this insurance will pay for their medical costs […]


5 Common Terms of Service For the Lifeline Program

The common terms of service for the Lifeline program are in place to ensure that you are aware of the conditions and limitations of the service you are receiving. This includes, but is not limited to, unused minutes and data, cancellation, and plan restrictions. Rates Lifeline is a government-subsidized program […]


Lemon Laws An Overview

Lemon is often used to refer to an unreliable automobile. While this can be used as a figure of speech for any old or run-down car, it also has a specific legal definition. A noncommercial motor vehicle, passenger automobile, or motorcycle is legally defined as a lemon if it has […]


What Is Medical Residency?

Medical residency is a period of postgraduate training in a specialty, such as internal medicine or surgery. The purpose of the medical residency is to train new doctors who become eligible to practice medicine independently. Overview of Residency Residency is a postdoctoral training period in the medical profession. Doctors-in-training will […]