Search Results for "budget brand"


India’s Top-Selling Smartphone Brands at a Glance

Highlights Indian smartphone market is booming at a rapid pace Over 30 million smartphones were shipped in the first quarter of 2018 alone Xiaomi, Samsung, VIVO, Micromax, Oppo, and Nokia top the list of best-selling smartphones in India The smartphone market in India has witnessed a huge growth in the […]


How To Look Elegant And Fashionable On A Budget

Some individuals just love to shop. They will go on shopping sprees that include arriving at the stores when they open and leaving when they close. Sure, there is nothing wrong with this, but some individuals just don’t have the money for these kinds of splurges. That being said, you […]


Instagrammable Interior Design on a Budget

Let’s face it – we’ve all been there, scrolling through our Instagram feed with a touch of jealousy over those chic, luxury-looking interiors, thinking … if only we had the budget. The good news is, it is possible to make your home stylish without splashing too much cash. Below, we […]


Decorating Your New Home On A Budget

If you’ve just moved house, you probably want to start decorating it to make it feel more like home (here you can find some useful tips). But a move is expensive, what with the price of your new home, real estate agent fees, costs of professional movers, and various other expenses. That […]


5 Ways to Boost Your Business with SEO/Digital Branding

The prime motto of Search Engine Optimization or SEO is to gain better rank for the targeted website on various search engines on search queries containing relevant keywords. The tools & techniques related to SEO have changed significantly throughout the years. By constantly adapting with changing times we have evolved […]


The Most Common E-cigarette Brands Nowadays

E-cigarettes, e-cigs, or vapor cigs are the latest sensation as far as smoking is concerned. They are a much kinder alternative to the conventional tobacco cigarettes because they are 95% healthier. They are ideal for smokers with the pure intent to quit smoking, ex-smokers who prefer a better alternative to […]