Search Results for "budget brand"

Home & family

Tips for a Green Life

Most people these days genuinely want to live greener and reduce their environmental footprint, but many are not sure exactly how to fit a green life into such a modern fast paced existence without sacrificing a whole lot. The good news is that there are many simple ways to help […]


How to Choose the Right Headphones

Most people invest a lot of money on phones, tablets, laptops and home theaters then scrimp on the headphones. What they don't know is that the headphones are an equally important part in their listening experience. What's the use of a high-tech home cinema when the headphones deliver mediocre sound? […]


How to Choose an Espresso Machine for Your Home

While some people are content with an ordinary cup of coffee to kick-start their morning, for those who are passionate about their beans, nothing beats the taste of real espresso brewed in a proper espresso machine. If you're someone who can't stand the thought of a flavourless, weak filter coffee […]

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Pando Project 2011

ABOUT PANDO What is Pando? Pando is a nonprofit that empowers people to step up as leaders and develop new, local solutions to the problems in their communities. Who will use Pando? Pando will accept applications from any American over the age of 18. However the target demographic is Millennials […]