Search Results for "ankle ache"


Fun Games That Train Skiing to Kids

Learning gets easier with fun games, especially if you are tutoring children. Even when you double up as a skiing coach to your younger ones, then you can ignite their interest in games if you go beyond the normal tutoring procedures and make it in the veil of some fun […]

Society & Culture

The Importance of Jewellry in the Indian Culture

The discovery of several handcrafted decorations in distinct substances at excavation sites indicates that jewelry has consistently been an important part of custom and convention. Before the discovery of precious metals, it’s considered decorations were made with natural materials like clay, stones, wood, bones, feathers and many more. From Indian […]


Should You Push on Through Yoga Injuries?

A yoga class is commonly used to prevent injury in the first place through increasing your flexibility. There are those occasions where you'll actually cause a soft tissue injury by pushing yourself to the max. Injuries won't necessarily cripple you, though. In many cases, it will hurt but it won't […]

Fashion Other stories

Religion And Fashion-Uneasy Alliance

Religion and fashion seem diametrically opposed to one another. Religion is by nature based on conformity, conservatism, modesty, and dignity. Fashion, on the other hand stresses individuality, free expression, novelty, and pushing the standards of what is acceptable. The Conservatism of the Pious I have lived in what most people […]