Search Results for "Contractor"

Roofing Industry

New Tech Developments in the Roofing Industry

Over the years, the roofing industry has seen the constant development and implementation of new technologies. Take a look around, and you’ll see innovative roofing designs, green roofing solutions, emerging trends in roof manufacturing and installation, and other innovations. Whether you’re a roofing contractor, a business owner, or a homeowner, […]


Chic Remodel Ideas In 2017

There are a lot of people who would love to relive the Happy Day’s sitcom that was set from the 1950’s and 60’s. The ability to remember Fonzie with the bright pink and yellow colors from the ranch style homes simply razzes their berries. Post-WWII, the 50’s was an exciting […]

Business planning

Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Business

Every business, no matter if new or well established, must take measures to protect itself. This includes protecting your staff, your bricks and mortar building, and any online data or confidential information. Below we share the top 5 ways you can protect your business. 1. The importance of insurance If […]


Considerations for Building a Great Fence

A good fence can serve a number of practical and aesthetic purposes for a home. Practically speaking, a fence normally serves to define a boundary and provide a level of privacy or protection to a homeowner. While carrying out all of its practical function, a great fence can add to […]


Disaster Strikes! Now What?

Staffers work hard at helping people find the job of their dreams. So, what happens when a major setback happens and you suddenly stunted from preforming at work? You put your hiring skills to work and get the right people to solve your problems! Here are some things to consider […]

Real estate

4 Essential Home Flipping Tips for Beginners

Home flipping has come back into fashion thanks to TV shows purporting to earn house flippers tens of thousands of dollars per episode. The reality is that many house flippers barely break even, and too many lose money because of mistakes. Here are four essential home flipping tips for beginners […]