Search Results for "dangers"

Data security

Internet Safety-Hows and Whys

The advances in internet technologies have brought us the life we see today; everything is at our fingertips and mobile phones, laptops and tablets are present everywhere. All these technologies have essentially changed the way we do business and have changed the boundaries previously set by physical distance. Naturally, all […]


How Playing Football May Increase Arthritis Risks?

The world is currently enjoying FIFA World Cup in Brazil and nobody is worried about the dangers football can subject the players into. According to latest research, a range of sporting events including football increase the risk of a player to developing arthritis. In an annual meeting for the American […]


Emergency Electrician vs. Doing It Yourself

Almost every one of us has had to deal with an electrical emergency at least once in our lives. While some people clearly deal with these emergencies more than others, case in point being emergency electricians, is it really a good idea to handle the situation without having to call […]

Other stories

Steps to Recovery After a Dog Attack

Being bitten by a dog can be a traumatic experience and have a lasting effect on your perception of dogs or all animals together. Although most dogs are loving and kind, you may one day find yourself in a situation with a not-so-friendly pup. If you or anyone you know […]


Wi-Fi Goes Under the Sea!

You can get Wi-Fi just anywhere you wish. Whether you are travelling by train, visiting a park or relaxing in your house you can make use of this technology. How about getting wifi under the sea? Yes, the researchers are now working with Wi-Fi network to develop ‘deep sea internet' […]